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Alexul 27-10-2022 03:07

Is Windows XP not supported anymore ?

I've checked the website and from what I can understand, this version of mu should be able to work on windows xp, but I cannot make it work.
The gameguard is displaying this message: "The system does not support this operating system, the game will be terminated", after I click Start on the launcher and it closes the game in 5 seconds.
I have Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 3. Please help me.

BabaYagaV2 27-10-2022 08:31

Yea you should upgrade to windows 7, 10 or 11.

Alexul 27-10-2022 08:58

However the guides mention windows xp, so I had the impression it should work. I specifically chose this because it showed it supported windows xp on the website. If someone else is running xp and it works please let me know. I thought it might be something with my particular windows installation.

BabaYagaV2 27-10-2022 10:04

The game itself supports windows XP BUT server anti - cheat PS engine does not support windows XP. So it will never let you in if you use XP. The only way is to change your OS.

Alexul 27-10-2022 17:36

Ahh, I figured it would be this but really hoped it could be something solvable. Anyway I'm sorry in case I might offend you BabaYagaV2, but I would also like to get an opinion from the admin. If the game anti-cheat no longer supports windows xp, the guides should be updated. I cannot install my laptop's graphics drivers on windows 7/10/11; so my game lags a lot because of it.

Balajoseph326 01-03-2023 20:47


Originally Posted by Alexul (Post 24269)
However the guides mention windows xp, so I had the impression it should work. I specifically chose this because it showed it supported windows xp on the website. If someone else is running xp and it works please let me know. I thought it might be something with my particular windows installation.
Добре, някои потребители тук поискаха да споделят с тях онлайн казино опции с най-интересните бонуси и извънредни условия. Предпочитам, защото именно там успях да намеря възможности да се развия като професионален комарджия. Занимавам се с тази индустрия повече от седем години и мога да кажа, че това е само началото, защото съм на път и се опитвам да вървя напред въпреки рисковете, които ме очакват във всяка игра. Сигурен съм, че ще приемете тази препоръка със същата топлота, с която аз я приех преди няколко години.

Играйте в клиентские программы и защитные программы, которые Gameguard может предоставить, чтобы обеспечить бесперебойную работу операционной системы. Въпреки че версията на MU, която сте свалили, може да се посуда, че е совместима с Windows XP, това не гарантира, че че ще работаети безпроблемно върхуу вашя компют

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