View Full Version : Admin

12-01-2014, 17:02
I've spent a couple of hundred euros via sms on this server. And now my account is banned for SMS abuse, is there a limit for sms you can send? If there is, why there is no information about this in website? And why would you ban me for making you more money? I'm asking you to unblock my account or return my money. If you are not willing to unblock my accont, I can get my phone bill to show exact amount you owe me and which I want back from you. Thanks

acc: algorithm

12-01-2014, 17:35
That happened because all those SMSes you have sent have failed to be charged.
"failed" means the opposite, end-user was not billed and you will not be paid for this transaction.

So you havent been charged for any of those sent SMS because you didnt had any money in your phone, and you were banned because it happens a lot people from Latvia abuse with our SMS system like that to get free credits.

12-01-2014, 17:39
I unbanned you but if i see 1 more failed SMS from you this time will be forever.