View Full Version : Market Bug

11-01-2014, 16:55
I've just bought 2 items via Web Market and they haven't come to my depo:
(hour difference between those 2 screen becomes from my GMT+1 time in game)
If you don't beleve me, just check it somehow... It happened probably because I didn't bought them immidiately, as I couldn't logout at that particular moment. I saved them each in different tab of interned browser (boots in tab 1, armor in tab 2). About 30 min later I logout game, logged into website in another tab (3), got back to tabs 1 abd 2 I saved earlier and clicked "Buy Item". Website showed that transaction went succesfuly, but there was no new items in warehouse, as well as renas gone.
Don't ask me why I did it in this way... I just did, as I forgot those tabs are "old" and need to be refreshed.
Any help with that?

11-01-2014, 17:02
I gave your renas back

11-01-2014, 17:27
wtf is "gave" ? :D
p.s. a na men shibaniq pants deto mi glutna web-a ne mi go vurnahte :X

11-01-2014, 17:37
wtf is "gave" ? :d
p.s. A na men shibaniq pants deto mi glutna web-a ne mi go vurnahte :x

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